Saturday, March 19, 2022

Patch of Joy





blooms open


Leprechaun nature trickery

I had some luck of the Irish this St. Patrick’s Day. Upon arriving home, I glanced out the windows to my backyard and found my own pot of gold! The back quarter of my yard was filled with these lovely petite yellow blooms. 

This morning there had been nothing but brown and gray out these same windows. The sun and warmth worked their magic during my school day bringing forth this treasure. This goldenness filled the yard and myself with joy.  Spring is coming soon was their announcement. 

(I do believe this is the earliest I have seen them over the years.)

Flowers: Winter Aconite - even though they bloom in early spring. They are honey-scented upward-facing flowers that carpet the ground in shimmering gold. The flowers range in height from 3”-6”.  They are deer resistant which works well for my yard. 

Poem: Fibonacci Poem 

A six line poem that follows the Fibonacci sequence for syllables in each line (1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8)

Thank you to Leigh Anne Eck and Time to Write for sharing this form with me and allowing me to play around with it at our writing party. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Wondering When the Last Will Be

Each moment in your presence now,

I collect in my being

wondering when the last will be.

Joyful love always existed 

but I am awestruck

each moment in your presence now.

All that you are and bring to this world

quiet beauty, brightness, persistence

I collect in  my being

Is this the last long embrace of all held dear

or can I anticipate a soon return-

wondering when the last will be.

It is almost mid-March and a big snowfall happened during the darkness of night. The world was once again quietly turned into a stunning winter masterpiece. Trees looked like they were dipped in sugar and stood upright in a fluffy blanket of white. It really is beautiful but immediately I started wondering if this is the last time this will happen as each day we inch towards spring. I know that there are many people where I live who are tired of snow and probably felt sick looking out the window this morning. I on the other hand wondered over the possibility of the last embrace of winter and wanting to treasure this beauty that only exists during winter months. 

Besides pondering the end of fluffy white snowflakes, I am also walking through feelings of seeing my oldest merge into full adulthood and getting ready to leave his childhood home. He graduates from college in a few months and is searching for jobs in various states and cities. I am so proud of all he has accomplished but am soaking up each and every moment with him because I do not know how soon he may be moving away and not for just a semester. 

These words flowed out early in the morning. I am not sure which refer to winter and which refer to my son. The words could truly relate to both of them and maybe the focus shifts between them in various lines of the poem. But either way, I will be cherishing the moments in both situations and wondering if this is the last time for now. 

Poetry Form: Cascade

 For the cascade poem, a poet takes each line from the first stanza of a poem and makes those the final lines of each stanza afterward. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Hope on the Breeze


caresses my face with freshness 

that fills my soul.

A fragrance from heaven

enlivens my breath

with hope and vitality.

A glimpse of a new season

rejuvenates my spirit

promising that light and life overcome. 

Throw open the windows!! It is 70 degrees today! The past few months have been filled with winter "brrr" and it returns tomorrow. So seize the moment- open the windows and let freshness fill the house.

This is typical March weather here in upstate New York. One moment it is winter and the next it is spring. It is such a treat each year when you are able to open the windows again.  We all know that it is too soon for spring to stay but it gives such hope that those daily warm temperatures are coming ever closer.  It will be approximately another two months before the rebirth of nature fills our yards with vibrant flowers, leaves on trees, and bright green grass.  But today, well today, it confirms that the grayness, harshness and darkness of winter is fading with each new day into the light, hope and joy of spring.  


The After Tears

The storm has rolled out, an ordinary calm carries in on its coattails. All looks right in the world until a subtle rustle  and plink-ploppi...