Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The After Tears

The storm has

rolled out,

an ordinary calm

carries in on its coattails.

All looks right in the world


a subtle rustle 



of the after tears

reveal the traumatic


of the deluge. 

Rain was forecasted to continue in an hour or so. A storm had just rolled through and at the moment it was a calm, gray day. I decided to squeeze in a walk along a trail in one of my favorite parks. 

While walking along the trail, I noticed the beaded drops of rain decorating the leaves as well as the tips of pine needles. It was a beauty after the hours of rain that morning. Taking a few more steps down the trail, I heard raindrops hitting leaves and then falling father down to my hat and skin. I stopped and thought -"Is it raining again? That was really quick." But then, I realized no. It was the drops of water resting on the far above leaves being rustled causing the drops to fall. It was like an aftershock of the rainstorm. 

Thinking about this aftershock brought to mind the storms in life we walk through as humans. The actual storm may have passed and to everyone else you look fine and normal, but then something (a song, a scent, a text) brings remnants of that storm right back up to the surface. Tears spring from a well within and unexpectedly flow down our faces. It shakes us for a moment and takes us back. These after tears reveal the hidden healing that still needs to take place from the trauma of the storms we have walked through. 

I think we need to remember that others around us could be dealing with after tears that we don't know about. So I suggest offering kindness to everyone you encounter because you never what may have been rustled to the surface that day.  

Photo Credit: Recap Faith KAYA at Pexels

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Perfect Teaspoonfuls of Creation

Sunny yellow finch 
perched on a coral zinnia- 
for just a moment 

White, pink-streaked petals 
stretching up towards sun's light- 
bloom lasts only days 

Blue body at rest 
still transparent wings outstretched- 
scared off suddenly 

At the horizon
sun in cotton candy sky- 
quickly fades to black 

Take notice of these perfect 
teaspoonfuls of creation.

The other day I was reading a book, Stitches, by Anne Lamott. A phrase she wrote stood out to me and would not leave my mind over the next few days- "perfect teaspoon of creation" (pg. 89) 

Then this morning, I was sitting in my living room when a yellow finch perched on the tippy-top of my orange zinnia. The two vibrant colors were just striking together. It lasted less than a minute but it struck me that this moment was one of those perfect teaspoonfuls of creation. 

Then as I went through the rest of my Sunday, I remained open to noticing these teaspoonfuls. I watched a gorgeous turquoise dragonfly rest for less than 30 seconds on a bush but oh was his color magnificent! I also walked through a garden of blooming lotus flowers and was in awe of their delicate beauty. Their blooms will only last 3-4 days but what an example of perfect creation they are! (Bergen Water Gardens and Nursery is a stunning place to visit and see these flowers in their glory.)

After collecting so many teaspoonfuls today, I knew I needed to write a poem to capture all of the beauty surrounding us each day. So I hope this poem inspires you to take notice of the perfect teaspoonfuls of creation that are all around you.  

Poetry Form: Haiku Sonnet
4 haikus and then a couplet of 5 or 7 syllables

The After Tears

The storm has rolled out, an ordinary calm carries in on its coattails. All looks right in the world until a subtle rustle  and plink-ploppi...