Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Cry Unfrozen


Another's light spurs warmth from within

Unfreezing and changing hardness

to quiet tears traversing

the formed frigid facade

of rippled shadows

along the path

to release...






The sun was glinting off the icicles hanging in front of my window. The rays touched them bringing light as well as shadows. They were frozen beauty. As I watched, I noticed that small drops of water, maybe snow tears, were gliding down the edge of the icicle with all of its bumps, ripples and slopes. As the drops reached the tip, they clung for a moment almost afraid to let go and plunge into the unknown. Then there was the release and freedom for a few moments in freefall. 

As I watched, it struck me that we are like icicles in the sun. We may show a tough skin to the world but when another's kindness or compassion touches us, we soften a bit. Sharing their warmth, through even the smallest act or just the right words, warms us from within. This kindness can free tears that travel down our faces but also flow through the path of hardness created by hurt. Often these tears can be cathartic. After those tears dry, a new feeling of freedom or hope fills us. 

I know that I have definitely experienced this many times in my years. Thank you to those who have been the warmth to help ease my hardened heart. 

Poetry Form: Nonet - a 9 line poem that has 9 syllables in the first line, 8 syllable in the 2nd line and so on. The last line contains 1 syllable.


  1. The poem and the commentary that follows is so beautiful. We are like those icicles warmed by the sun. Your words are warmth to me today. Thank you for sharing this poem.

  2. Beautiful, Cathy, but I have never known YOU to have a hardened heart! ❤


The After Tears

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