Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Oh, Glory of the Night

Oh, glory of the night

provider of brilliant autumnal light.

Giant pumpkin full circle bright

dancing on the horizon at twilight.

Moonbeam messenger that it's time to prepare

before coldness arrives, sure to ensnare.

Your mysterious beauty shines so rare

that all of the earth does heavenly stare.

This past weekend I was on a drive home when I caught a glimpse of a HUGE, brilliant full moon. It looked like it was resting in the branches of the trees just at the top of the horizon. It was playing Hide-n-Seek with the passing gray clouds. When it would be peek through an opening, it glowed so bright. I saw moonbeams streaming through the clouds. I have never seen this before. It was really beautiful. It made my travels along a long flat road very exciting. When it would it pop out next?   It filled me with such joy!  

I knew that it was going to be the inspiration for a poem. Immediately the form of poetry popped into my head- an ode. I needed to praise this extraordinary moon. 

I learned later that this moon is called the Hunter's Moon. It is the first full moon after the autumnal equinox. It marks the arrival of the colder months. Farmers used it as a signal to prepare for the chilly months ahead. The moon appears larger than full moons in the summer months and lingers low on the horizon. It may have an orangish tint.

I am filled with gratitude that I was able to observe this year's Hunter's Moon for a few hours. It was absolutely stunning!

Poetic form: Ode

** The photo does not do justice to the true beauty of the moon that night.**

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