Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Unaware of threat

youthful innocence, trust, joy

 -uncorrupted heart

This past weekend I was walking the trail at Lagoon Park in Canandiagua, NY.  As I rounded the bend, this adorable little rabbit was on the edge of the trail just munching away at the greenery along the edge. He was mindfully eating with delight, not even aware that humans were near or that we could be a threat to him. 

Another hiker had paused to enjoy this innocence as well. As she slowly and quietly stepped forward, he finally recognized that there were other creatures present. He hopped away from her right towards me. He was less than 2 feet away. He paused, looked up at me and then turned to the right and hurriedly hopped 4 jumps away. Then the rabbit resettled into the greens and happily munched away again. 

This little rabbit's innocence, trust, delight and of course, cuteness, made adult humans pause and enjoy life for a few moments. We took a feeling of joy with us as we walked forward in our day.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you wrote about this moment.
    When I saw the photo, I thought...lucky you!


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