Wednesday, June 7, 2023

To Persist Through the Murkiness of Days

Smoky haze invades

battling with life-giving energy

to persist through the murkiness of days.

Fire devours all in its path

Soot remnants disperse on the winds

Smoky haze invades

Through an apocalyptic numbness

an orange orb pulsates

battling with life giving energy 

It does not succumb

but shines hope

to persist through the murkiness of days.

The past few days the skies where I live have been taken over by the smoke from the wildfires in Canada. It just hangs in the air making everything murky. As soon as you walk out of your door, the smell of fire fills your nose. The sun does not shine but you can still see it in the sky. It is an orange orb of brightness in a huge expanse of gray. It will not let the smoky haze obliterate it. It is a reminder that this murkiness will pass and our days will be lit by its light again. Just hanging in the sky it offers hope.

I realize that I am experiencing nothing compared to the people who are living near the fires and directly dealing with its destruction. My thoughts and prayers are with you. 

Poetry form: Cascade 

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