Sunday, December 12, 2021

Shining Delight- Ode to December Sunshine

 Oh sunshine

brightening the dawn's sky

announcing the day will be fine

the storm has blown by.

Oh sunshine

you cast energy into me

chasing away my cloudy whine

changing the way I see.

Oh sunshine

my face basks in your light

weaving through branches of pine

 spreading warmth to all in your sight. 

Oh sunshine

you are pure delight

the world's hopeful sign

glowing with positive golden might.

Awakening this morning to a quiet, calm that replaced the rushing, powerful destructive winds of the night. It is truly amazing how the weather can be completely different in a very short amount of time.

Looking out the window, I noticed blue sky and sunshine.  SUNSHINE!!! Immediately, I knew this was going to be a great day. There was no gloomy gray cloudiness that is often the daily existence in December. I knew I needed to get outside and soak in as much vitamin D as possible. 

Walking with the sun warming my face, just brought forth a feeling of love for this glowing orb in the sky.  It does so much more for me than just provide light and warmth. It brightens my soul and gives positivity to my perspective. Thank you for all that you provide me with oh sun!

Poetry form : Ode

An ode is a lyrical poem that praises or glorifies. This ode was inspired by my walk today and wanting to praise the sun.

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