Sunday, May 29, 2022

Primed and Ready


Fuchsia orb of tightly packed petals,
Wrapped together for one more sleep,
To be awakened by warmth 
Of the sun’s morning kiss,
To feed its beauty
That is so primed
And ready
To burst


Mother Nature’s gift
In the glory of morning-
Bright beauty unfurls                                                             

These photos were taken approximately 12 hours apart. I was in my backyard yesterday and noticed that my peonies were about ready to bloom. An excitement rose within me and I could not wait until morning. I knew that the sun would provoke these buds to bloom. 
Upon waking this morning, it felt a bit like Christmas. There was a positive energy and excitement buzzing in me. I went down the stairs and immediately looked out the back window to see this gift from nature. The sun had worked its magic. The peonies were in full bloom with their fuchsia petals open and waving in the gentle breeze. What a beautiful way to begin the day!

1st poetry form: Nonet (9 line poem with decreasing syllables per line from 9 -1.)
2nd poetry from: Haiku (3 lines following syllable counts of 5-7-5.)


  1. Beautiful! Thank you! It reminds me of the bright pink peonies we had in my yard. 💕 Once they opened, my Mom would snip some blooms and wrap the bottoms with foil for me to take to my teacher. After evicting the ants first, of course! ~Kris

    1. Thank you for commenting! Glad a memory made you smile.

  2. So lucky to have this in your immediate environment--lovely photos and of course I love the Nonet for its 9 lines--I will have to give that a try! Thanks for sharing, Cath.

  3. Love this! It does feel like Christmas when the flowers boom. I love the colors! Mine are white with a just faint pink kiss, nothing so vibrant like these! Your flowers are really beautiful!


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